Week 41

Picking up from last week, Monday became long run day, But without wanting to skip the club run I left early to run 5 miles before joining the club to complete 4 further miles. Including a cool down I totalled 9.6 miles for the day.

Friday I was off work ahead of my trip to Birmingham so did a 2.3 mile shakeout run.

Saturday I setup at parkrun and ran an easy 26 minutes. totally 3.8 miles for the day.

Sunday was race day - the Great Birmingham Run - The half marathon was cut short at the last moment for security reasons. We were told in the starting pen that it would be a mile short, but in reality it was 2 miles short. I crossed the line having run 11.07 miles. It was disappointing as I ran freely and well for 11 miles and felt in good shape and on pace for a half marathon PB. Achieving 1:27:15 for 11 miles, would suggest a finish time of 1:44:55 if I took my slowest mile (which had a big hill) as my pace for the two missing miles (which were both flat). If I were able to continue at my average pace of the entire run I would have finished in 1:43:21.

  • 9.6 miles - long run
  • 2.3 miles - easy
  • 3.8 miles - easy park run and warm up
  • 11.1 miles - Great Birmingham Run

Published 13 October 2019, with 239 words.