Week 34

Week 34 and week 5 of my half marathon training plan as I recorded my highest ever weekly mileage clocking a total 35.5 miles.

Monday was the club run, mostly at an easy pace around 9 minute miles, with warm up and cool down I logged 9.3 miles overall.

Wednesday was the club speed session, working on 6x 3 minutes at 10km pace and 6x 90 seconds all with 90 seconds walking recovery. All of my intervals were much faster than 5km pace however, I have some work to do on controlling effort.

Thursday was 3.6 miles recovery run - but with a bit of progression. from easy to steady.

Saturday is parkrun day so ran 1.7 miles there, 3.1 miles park running easy at 23:40ish and 0.6 mile cool down totalling 5.4 miles for the day. I also volunteered last minute to help with the tear down so clocked another mile or so walking with the tail-walker.

I have volunteered 10 times now (which was my goal at the start of the year), with another 3 booked in for September.

Sunday was an easier long run for covering 9.2 miles - including a few walking breaks and popping into the garage for a water. Felt too hot and felt like I was coming down with a cold/bug. Really struggled with the run today.

  • 9.3 miles - easy club run
  • 7.8 miles - speedwork
  • 3.6 miles - recovery run
  • 5.4 miles - park run and warm up and down
  • 9.2 miles - long run

Published 25 August 2019, with 256 words.