Week 33

A slightly lower mileage week due to some family commitments and a drop week in the half marathon plan.

Monday was the club run, with half marathon season upon us, some of the members wanted to up the 6 miles to 8, but with warm up I totalled 8.6 miles. Mostly at an easy pace around 9 minute miles, but that was a bit faster than I had hoped given the 10.7 miles the day before.

Friday I was booked in to see a physiotherapist and got my legs seen to, especially my knees. felt fresh after.

Saturday I was volunteering to set up parkrun, so ran 1.5 miles there, 3.1 miles park running at an effort pace (22:11 - my second fastest recorded) and 1.6 mile cool down totalling 6.2 miles for the day.

Sunday was an easier long run for covering 8.2 miles - including a recovery before dropping the hammer on 1km recovering, before jogging home.

  • 8.6 miles - club run
  • 6.2 miles - park run and warm up and down
  • 8.2 miles - long run

Published 18 August 2019, with 181 words.