Week 32

A higher mileage week again as I clock up the mileage for the 2 half marathons and 10 miler coming up.

Monday was the club run at 6 miles but with a warm up and cool down I clocked 7.8 miles. 8:49 per mile - doing the course in reverse.

Wednesday was the speedwork session at the club

  • 2 lap warm up and some drills
  • 1,2,3,4 minutes pyramid from 11500m to 10km pace with 90 seconds recovery
  • 3 minute recovery
  • 4,3,2,1 minutes pyramid from 10km to 1500m pace with 90 seconds recovery
  • 6 minutes with 6x 30 second surges at 800m pace, for variable length and active recovery between.
  • 2 lap cool down

Friday I popped our for a little 2 mile easy run in the morning, plus did a bit of swimming in the spa.

Sunday was a 95 minute long run with 3 miles easy, then 7.7 miles at a better effort (still slower than my target half marathon pace.

  • 7.8 miles - club run
  • 6.6 miles - speedwork
  • 2.0 miles - easy
  • 10.7 miles - long run

Published 11 August 2019, with 184 words.