Week 27

On Wednesday I was again at the CLC Striders speed session which, after a small warmup, was a pyramid of 1 min at 1 mile pace, 2 minutes at 3k pace, 3 minutes at 5km with half the time as recovery in between after two rounds a 5 minute break and then repeat. I cut short the session after the 3rd set, with Leamington Half on my mind.

Sunday I did 13.1 miles in the Leamington Half, I ran the first 8 miles at tempo pace and felt ok, despite being full of cold and not sleeping at all the night before I chose to do a tactical walk up a big couple of hills around mile 9 and 10. and then took it easy to get back to the finish. The Half was unusual in that it started at 8:30 am a bit earlier than I have normally seen It was a smart decision as it got hot, very hot towards the last 5 miles or so.

At half way I was on for 1:50 pace and could have pushed for a PB if I was feeling good, but in my mind from the outset I was aiming to come in under 2 hours and I scrapped in at 1:59:26 officially, although my garmin said 1:58 - I’m guessing chip time.

Now i’ve got a couple of down weeks, before Cheltenham Half training plan kicks off on the 21st July.

  • 4.2 miles - workout
  • 13.1 miles - race

Published 7 July 2019, with 251 words.