Week 26

Tuesday 5 mile run to start the week, having taken monday off after a long day at work and the 11.3 mile long run the day before Run was made up of 3 easy miles and a push into tempo for the remaining 2, although I had to stop a few times due to phone issues.

Wednesday was the CLC Striders 5km time trial, replacing the usual speed session. I struggled with this one, but finished in 24:28, far from my 5km PB but I did hit around 10 segment PBs on the route.

Saturday was a run to parkrun, parkrun, in which i concentrated on steady equal pacing and got 3 tempo miles around 8:11 pace I then had a chat with Nick for 20 minutes before then running on todo just under another 3 miles.

Sunday I did 7.9 miles easy, ahead of the half marathon next week. Its time to taper.

I am now half way through the year, having clocked in 601 miles. So well ahead of pace to complete the 1000 miles.

  • 5 miles 3 easy, 2 tempo
  • 5.9 miles - 3.1 time trial with warmup and cool down
  • 7.3 miles - 3.1 parkrun, warmup and cool down
  • 7.9 miles - easy

Published 30 June 2019, with 209 words.