// A working out loud, public second brain

Green Credentials and decarbonisation

banner photo of Mat running in London


According to an online calculator, it estimates a gross individual use of 4.64 tonnes of C02 for the year 2024. Ths pre-dates solar panels. So will update later in 2025.


Only 0.01g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits this web page. This web page appears to be running on sustainable energy



  • Avoid fast fashion
  • Avoid unnecessary plastics (e.g, using soap and shampoo bars over bottled gels)


  • The small garden is allowed to grow in spring and we delay the first cut of the lawn to allow for pollinators to benefit.
  • An area of the garden is set up for wild flowers.
  • We have grown a mixture of fruit and vegetables including apples, blackberries, rhubarb, strawberries, potatoes, carrots, parsnips and radishes.


  • Actively seek to recycle waste products. As a household we rarely fill the refuse waste, but do fill the recycling boxes for card, glass, and foil and plastics.
  • We also recycle coffee pods and contact lenses and give plenty to charity as well as shop there often.


  • 10 Solar Panels and a 5kw battery helps reduce reliance on the grid
  • Energy provider uses green energy.
  • 95% of home uses smart energy efficient lighting. Remaining is due to be addressed in 2025.
  • Own an EV (as a gift to my spouse) but have never been learned to drive so all commuting has been via public transport.


  • Working mostly from home, but occasional trips to London for work are by train. The Trainline App reports that this journey typically saves 27kg of C02.
  • For all train travel since June 2021, I haves 448kg of C02. Using 197kg compared 645kg had the journey been by car.