useful things

Become the engineer everyone wants to work with

Why should you become the engineer everyone wants to work with?

You already got an idea why becoming such an engineer is so important from my mistake that I mentioned above.

But also this is very important to keep in mind:

Software development is a team activity and great teams build great software. So in order to build anything significant, we need to work well with others.

And not just that, here are some more important arguments why becoming such an engineer is really important:

  • You have a great reputation, which gets you more opportunities.
  • You have a lot better time at your work because you have built good working relationships with your colleagues. Read more about how to build good relationships here: How to build good relationships inside and outside your engineering team (paid article)
  • Engineers who are great to work with get promoted first.
  • Managers value such engineers the most.

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Published 14 September 2024, with 167 words.