The Discovery Questionnaire
Please tell me about your life and work. Your answers are completely confidential. Take your time. Go deep. Nothing is out of bounds.
Assess Your Role
- What do you love about your work?
- What do you wish you could change?
- If you were to review your current job description, what components do you no longer do? What new responsibilities have you taken on?
Describe Your Achievements and Goals
- What are your most satisfying achievements not just in your current position, but in your entire career?
- What do you want to accomplish this year?
- Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
- What support and/or resources do you need to achieve your immediate goals?
- What support and/or resources do you need to achieve your career aspirations?
- What is your ideal work?
- What skills do people acknowledge you for?
- What skills or talents would you like to be acknowledged for?
Identify Your Work Style
- How much of a priority are you in your own life?
- How well do you keep promises to yourself and others?
- How satisfied are you with your level of productivity?
- How well do you communicate with others?
- What areas of your work life would you MOST like to improve?
- What routinely gets in your way?
Express Your Vision
- If you were the CEO, where would you take this company?
- If you could change the world (and you can), what needs would you meet or what problems would you solve?
- What two steps could you take right now that would make the biggest difference in your life and work?
- Anything else